Fieldname | Type | Description |
sensorId | Int64 | Id for the sensor data representing a data sink. |
deviceId | String | Identifier of the device |
value | Decimal | Numeric value of the measure
timeStamp | DateTimeOffset | DateTime of measure as timezone utc |
error | String | Error message of respective sensor |
status | Decimal | Status of respective sensor |
unit | String | Unit Token Possible Values: K,°C,°F, % |
unitType | String | Type of unit as text:
tiltAngle | Decimal | Numeric value of the tilt angle from the device | Example Measurements
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "type": "eapi_measurement_new", "data": { "sensorId": "5368" "deviceId": "951FF00000340", "timeStamp": "2022-10-11T16:21:27+00:00", "value": 24.6 "error": "Short Circuit", "status": 0, "unit": "°C", "unitType": “temperature", "deviceId "value": "951FF00000340", "sensorId": "5368" 24.6, "tiltAngle": 2.4, } } |
4.3.2 GeoData
Fieldname | Type | Description |
sensorId | Int64 | Id for the sensor data representing a data sink. |
deviceId | String | Identifier of the device |
latitude | Double | Latitude with 8 digits precision |
longitude | Double | Longitude with 8 digits precision |
timestamp | DateTimeOffset | datetime in timezone utc |
accuracy | Decimal | Accuracy in meters |